Sarah Trist Dance Management Agency (STDMA) has provided sophisticated management support to dance artists in the UK for over thirty years. Approachable, responsive, adaptable and nimble, STDMA provides a booking service to programmers in different fields of arts presentation, from traditional settings in arts centres and theatres, to university performance spaces, rural touring venues and the outdoor festival circuit.
Apart from tour booking, STDMA’s artist-facing offer includes production services, fundraising and evaluation. Whether short term or on-going, management or consultancy, each contract is tailored to the needs of the client and is conducted according to a pre-agreed framework. We work with artists and companies of all artistic persuasions and at all stages of development.
Previous clients include Tom Dale Company, Stuart Waters, Company Chameleon, Bonachela Dance Company, Joli Vyann, Vincent Dance Theatre, DanceEast/MOKO, New English Ballet Theatre, Wendy Houstoun, Will Dickie, Willi Dorner, Junk Ensemble and Cholmondeleys and Featherstonehaughs.