PCK Dance creates beautifully executed, classically infused dance.  The company was formed by elite dancers Travis Clausen Knight and James Pett who began their creative association dancing with Company Wayne McGregor. Their partnership as maker/performers has taken them all over the world, dancing a body of commissioned self-choreographed duets in Japan, China, Mexico, America, Australia, Italy, Bulgaria, Thailand, and Singapore. In London their work has been performed by members of the Royal Ballet and on the main stage of Sadlers Wells.

IMAGO, their full length piece from 2022, is now available to tour in the UK for the first time. IMAGO is a sophisticated and daring dance duet which exposes the intricate and often hidden dysfunctions in relationships within a coded nod to the Language of Flowers.  A synthesis of ballet, contemporary dance and dance theatre, IMAGO depicts the profound journey of two men as they navigate duplicity, denial and acceptance in their relationship, boldly illustrating what it is to love and be loved. The compelling narrative, performed to a stirring original score by Sean Pett, and the performers’ electrifying on-stage relationship makes IMAGO a gripping experience for audiences within and beyond the dance field.


Upcoming performance dates for IMAGO:

9 August                               Eden Court Theatre Inverness
3 October                             Queen’s Hall Hexham
9 October                             Dance City Newcastle upon Tyne
13 November                      mac Birmingham
19 November                      Drama Studio, University of Sheffield
6 December                         Pavilion Dance South West Bournemouth