Under the artistic direction of Laura Kenyon, WomanEwer provides a connection between women through the arts and offers a safe space to explore ideas around sexual abuse and domestic violence using movement, voice and visual art.
I have a bruise is WomanEwer‘s live performance based on real life stories, performed by five professional female dancers who are all survivors of sexual abuse. The work addresses sensitive issues that can be challenging, and at the same time it celebrates womanhood, survival and strength, advocating for women to have their own voice.
The virulent nature of the subject matter reverberates in the dancers’ rigorous physicality and the overall soundscape which overlaps voice recordings with live spoken words and the percussive sounds created by the dancers’ movement and breathing. The result is multi-sensory in feel and visceral in impact. There are versions of I have a Bruise for installation and theatre settings.
For outdoor events, WomanEwer’s dance piece Kah’Loca is a multigenerational hispanic-styled performance with the 6 dancers brightly costumed in flamboyant funky headpieces inspired by the famous Mexican painter & feminist icon Frida Kahlo. The piece is a collection of stories, testimonials and protests expressed through movement & sound, which aim to bring to the attention of a broad audience the sheer scale of violence against women.
Trailer for I have a Bruise Trailer for Kah’Loca Audience Reaction Documentary on the Making of I have a bruise
Upcoming tour dates for I Have a Bruise
19 March Fabric Nottingham
21 March Bridport Arts Centre
2 April Sheffield University